Sunspots 10-30-2003
- Telescope: 180mm TMB APO at F9
- Camera: Canon 1Ds, ISO 800, shutter 1/8000 second
- Mount: AP 1200 GTO
- Canon DSLR Camera Control: Focus, capture, and processing by ImagesPlus
- Date: 10/30/2003
Processing History:
- 60 12-bit raw files were converted to 16-bit TIFF.
- The set of 60 images were auto quality graded to find the best single image.
- Brightness and contrast increase using levels.
- Additive color balance was used to add red to the light areas.
- Sharpened using 80 iterations of adaptive Richardson-Lucy deconvolution with a 5x5 PSF.
- Focus, acquired, and all processing by ImagesPlus 1.72.
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